For over 150 years, Kaytee has been the biggest in the small animal business. We’re talking hamsters, guinea pigs, bunnies, chinchillas, rats (yes, rats) and more. So for their first-ever brand campaign, we came up with a platform that showed they were all about these often overlooked small pets: All For The Small.

To prove these pets deserved just as much love as cats and dogs, we launched it by putting small animals on the biggest stage possible… the Westminster Dog Show. And to get to such a big stage we got the biggest small animal owner we could think of, Rainn Wilson, to try to submit his guinea pig, Kenneth, to win it all.

When the snooty Westminster Dog Show people wouldn’t let us in, we made our own show, #SmallinShow.
Hundreds of small animals entered, but only could win: @alexandra_macncheese and her pet guinea pig, Bud.

#4 on AdAge’s 10 Best Celebrity Ads of 2022

#1 on AdAge’s Top Celebrity Brand Collab (July edition)

AGENCY: Droga5
ECD: Tara Lawall
CD: Nicholas Bauman
CW: Blake Morris
AD: Ethan Bennet
CW: Ross Norton
AD: Ted Pedro

DIRECTORS: Nick & Charles